Sunday, May 10, 2020

Month #2 on Keto Diet

The 10th of the month is official month marker on my Keto journey and today is month #2. The drum roll, please... I am still amazed and thrilled to share I have lost:

30 lbs!!

The first month on Keto it is expected to lose weight quickly then the weight loss slows down and I am averaging losing a couple pounds a week. At this rate, by my 50th birthday, I will be at my target weight. 

I have fine-tuned eating clean and healthy and with Keto Diet cookbooks, I'm enjoying delicious recipes. It truly is a lifestyle eating clean and feeding your body with healthy foods comes with significant benefits.

Honestly, I cannot imagine going back to eating processed foods. 

Happy Mother's Day, Mom, I love you!

Today is Mother's Day and I am excited for my 1st family gathering in my new home. 

Today is also my last day of vacation and I am ready to go back to work. Thank you, Jesus, the move is behind us. 

Thank you to my mom (70) & dad (72) who worked tirelessly every day. It's important to have a strong team and nobody works harder and better than my perfectionist dad. My mom being an excellent house cleaner cleaned my home prior to the move, washed everything before it was put away, and helped with my massive flower bed clean-up. 

This past week was a blur of work with a larger home and having more than I realized I had, I've managed to completely fill it. Everything is 100% put away and decor is up. In fact, my dad has already begun to paint. 

As the state begins to re-open tomorrow and the move is behind me, this new season in life is starting very well.