Friday, May 8, 2020

House Warming Gift

WOW!!!!! My house warming gift from my mom & dad was delivered yesterday. 

The envy of the neighborhood, as I hopped on and was learning to mow with my new ride (I LOVE the drink holder!) my neighbor behind me stopped on his mower and gave me the thumbs up. My yard is bigger than what I thought and push mowing + monstrous flower beds is a lot!

My mom says my dad wants to make sure I'm not walking more than him in the family Fitbit challenge, but I know my dad says it will be significantly easier.

I went from a 19" self propelled mower to a 50" zero turn mower that goes pretty stinking fast and was stunned how fast it went. 

Give me a week to feel like a natural on in and my lines will be straighter. ha ha 

What a generous gift and I LOVE it! 

Thank you mom & dad, I love you!