Wednesday, December 5, 2018

To My Future Grands

To my future grand babies, I'm sorry your Christmas stockings are not going to be as elaborate as Sofia's.

I made both my daughters stockings when they were babies, they took me an average of 20 hours each. Picking the most beautiful and elaborate Christmas stocking last year for Sofia, has me this Christmas racing the calendar to get it done.

Let me say this, there are 40 steps to completing this stocking. Step 11 has 6 parts to it and I did 3 parts of said 6 and it took me 3 hours!! Oh good, only 29 more steps to go ... which has me firm in my decision all future homemade stockings will be simple. 

Next to Sofia and the holy bible, this stocking needs to be cherished and protected as an heirloom through the next several generations. 

A blanket across my lap, a cup of hot tea, and stitching my grand daughter a Christmas stocking is such a grandmother moment. I embrace this role in my life and laugh because it's such a gentle and loving role for this girl who's been buck wild far too many years. 

The dynamics of still being young, yet being a grandmother is a beautiful blend of  who you are from your youth more settled a couple generations later. Alive and still racing to the battle line, yet letting go what isn't important. Beautifully wild  to wearing a crowning glory. Running constantly to experience everything life has to offer, to finding a simpler life is far more satisfying. Striving to have, to having everything you want. My logic then, to a whole new perspective now. A free spirit, to seeing life from a different set of eyes. I see youth running buck wild, I smile and know, a chasing of the wind. Still so full of life and laughing at the days to come. 

Being a grandmother is far, far more amazing than I ever fathomed. I am a seasoned, well-honed, and better version of the young me.