Thursday, December 13, 2018

Random Compliments

I'm kidding! I thought it was a funny photo to go with this blog post. 

Tonight as we were getting in the car Brooke said, "See mom, every single time we go out together you always get random compliments!"  

She always says I am noticed when I walk in someplace, that others look at me and yes, I do get my share of compliments.

My first response is to feel bad, because I know it happens and I know she is sensitive to it. Then, giving it thought, confidence and a smile is a quality that attracts others. It just does. 

Brooke can be completely confident and if she isn't feeling it, she can feign confidence with grace. Her preferred response is to be polite and more timid with little interaction. I really believe smiling confidence opens others up and makes them comfortable and often commands attention.

Add to that, the older you get, the less you care what another person thinks. 

In 20 years she will be me, when she chooses to be.