Sunday, March 19, 2017

Their New Home

My son-in-law, Jeremy, is working with a company that has the incredible perk of free housing should they ever be interested. Being 45 minutes away Mariah's mind was closed, especially with a baby on the way.

When they shared this opportunity, it allowed me to share with her what an awesome opportunity this is. The ability to save money while she is a stay-at-home mom, the possibility of renting their home to cover that asset and continue to build equity.

Do this for a few years and they have one heck of a nest egg. 

45 minutes away, instead of minutes away, grand baby on the way.

She needed permission. From me.

Jeremy had the financial aspect in perspective but my little girl closed her mind because I have always planted the seed I want them close.

Once I pointed out to her all the wonderful benefits of cost savings, to Jeremy not making that drive round-trip every day, her having him close by when the baby is present and for a season it makes perfect sense, her perspective flipped and did a 180.

I was sitting on my chaise when she called happy and excited, "We are moving!"

My heart dropped and tears poured down my cheeks and I had to get out the words, "That is wonderful!" and sound happy. 

I was asked, "Why are you crying?" Heart over logic, because I will always want them close. 

Grateful it isn't hours or states away, this move is such a wonderful opportunity for them and only a car ride for me. One I have no problem making and will look forward to.

Friday, I saw their new home and it is beautiful in a quaint community. Loading our vehicles, touring their new house I was thrilled to see the bells & whistles from room to room and excited for this incredible opportunity. We went to lunch then to a German cafe. I am excited to go back when the weather breaks and tour the town shops and cafes together. It's perfect. 

Every time I see my little girl her baby bump gets noticeably bigger and I am so in love with this! It is magnetic and I am always asking to see and touch her belly in breathless anticipation of my grand baby's arrival.

She is 20 weeks tomorrow. We are 1/2 way there!