Saturday, March 4, 2017

My First Baby Purchase

Set up in my home waiting for the arrival of my grand baby, I made my first purchase a Pack n Play.

Browsing baby stores, I was in awe to see all the new and improved baby items that are out since 17 years ago. So many bells and whistles.

Mariah and I went to brunch and looking at baby stores. As soon as we walked in I saw this Graco Pack n Play. It was the gender neutral colors that match my prayer room/office that will transition into the baby's space, bright and happy with two windows for sunshine. This Pack n Play was color perfect and less than 1/2 the original price had me doing a happy dance.

Literally. The guy behind the counter said, "I believe we just sold that Pack n Play."

It is set up in my office and it suddenly reminds me of 22 years ago when Mariah's baby room was finished when I was 7 months pregnant awaiting her arrival.

Her belly getting bigger with every week that passes, I believe I felt my grand baby yesterday. Nestled safely, active and moving in Mariah's womb, I put my hands on her belly, my eyes closed to enhance my sense of touch, I felt it's slight flutter.

Soon that bundle of love will be sleeping sweetly in a room covered in prayer.