Sunday, March 12, 2017

Phone Calls with Family

This new man that walked into my life and heart has my cup overflowing. Feeling slightly off balance at the speed of what deems to me proper timelines, every day pushes me to a deeper level.

I confess I didn't believe him at all when he said it has been years since he has dated.

Confident, sexy, a fount of words of affirmations and lavishly affectionate it couldn't possibly be true. Could it? Years?


As I learn him, I can see how his career would make it near impossible. After a 15 year relationship and a blindsiding breakup, I can see how he lost himself in his job by choice. One that he excels at.

It was his family that confirmed what I find so hard to believe.

I called his mom yesterday for the first time. How odd for me to say that. I met her over a week ago after she had been blowing up his phone to meet me. Word raced like wildfire through his family he met a beautiful girl.

It was the sweetest thing when she told him later that she saw fireworks when she met me. You see, she is blind. She cannot see me at all, but she sees me with her heart. She is kind and wants to know me.

Hearing her ask him a couple of times for me to call her, I asked him for her number.

On my way to work I called her and we shared a sweet conversation. Getting off the phone she said, "I love you" and I said it back to her. Odd to feel so comfortable, happy to be so welcomed.

On our way to the Ice Wine Festival yesterday, his brother asked to talk to me and he handed me the phone.

His brother, what a fun guy! I liked him before we met and there I was on the phone with him and he thanked me, thanked me for making his brother so happy. He choked up expressing his appreciation and shared he sees his brother happy, hears it and that it has been a long time.

Already invited to Easter, I love this family that loves each other and openly welcomes me.

I've seen a change in Brooke, too. They've had their own side conversations and very adult-like she has communicated in love what she wants for me as her mom. Territorial Brooke has found a new friend in him. They click.

I just exist every day. Taking it all in and watching my life transition in front of me in a surreal kind of way.

When I feel as if the timeline has advanced in light speed but that it will certainly plateau out, it continues to get better and better.

My heart is grateful. My life has changed. And, I love when he tilts his face to heaven and openly says, "Thank you" to God.

Who's life is this?