Sunday, August 10, 2014

"Thank you, God!"

My 3-day vacation has truly reflected my personality and each day I have sent a "Thank you, God!" for 3-days off with sunshine and mid-80's!


David and I took Brooke and her friend to Cedar Point for the day.

David and I rode our 1st roller coaster together, Mantis. Yikes! He was nearly green when we got off and both of us did the parental thing and rode low-key rides the rest of the day.

Except ...

... when we saw the Dragster. It goes 120 mph, shoots straight up to heaven spinning the whole time, does a U-turn in the sky and goes straight down to the ground spinning.

I felt a cool breeze and realized that while we were sitting in the very front seats of the front car, my halter top was pulled down by the force of the ride!  

It was funny and I do believe the guy sitting behind David saw it because when I turned around to see if anyone had seen, he was smiling pretty big.  

We raced off the the screens to make sure it wasn't captured on film and as the ride workers said, they deleted the topless shots immediately. Whew!

The girls enjoyed their teenage freedom of a day spent together in an amusement park with a little spending ca$h!


Warrior Dash 2014!


Is about to begin!  The sun is shining, my kind of plans are firmed and I am about to make the very most of this day.

"Thank you, God!" for 3-days including all things I love.

Carpe diem!