Friday, November 1, 2013

True Halloween

The wind continued to flip my umbrella inside out, the rain soaked all the kids in their costumes, but it was a great night, October 31st, Halloween.

Hundreds, perhaps it safe to say thousands of kids and parents swarmed the streets, sidewalks, and yards running door to door shouting "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" in a perfect neighborhood where every house participates with no end in sight.

Mariah who is 18 years old now asked the other day if it is appropriate if she trick-or-treats this year? I said it's fine, because you are still in school. Next year would be a bit different. She had so much fun last night that given her small frame, she is confident she will be good for participating next year, too.

Grandma stayed behind passing out candy while my brother, sister-in-law, and I walked with the kids. There was seven of them, family and church friends.

What I didn't expect in the cuteness of it all is my little nephew Nathan (12 years) who passively agreed to dress as a pair of dice with Meghan, the little girl from church, who has called dibs, staked her claim with my nephew and has been aggressively and hopelessly in love with him for years. I can see their future in my minds eye. Tiny, cute, little Meghan is a firecracker, full of personality and a force to be reckoned with. She has been a take-charge girl for a few years now and will not allow any girl to step near her territory, my nephew.

My nephew is as sweet and shy as they come. He passively allows her to be her. He may be too young to date, but that boy has a girlfriend regardless what my brother allows.

Trick-or-treating was pure success! I am thankful my brothers neighborhood recognizes this night on the true night of Halloween.