Friday, November 22, 2013

Ebb and Flow

To move forward then backward. To be in the position of decline to renewed advancement.

Life is ebb and flow.

I get this at 43 after decades of my life being in different positions. At 18 the forward movement and renewed advancement is invigorating; however, the movement backward and decline is frightening and panic will set in.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, a soft whisper, then my 18 year old crawling in bed with me at 5 a.m. this morning in tears.

She cries. I gently explain.

Pulling her close, she is a little girl again wanting to snuggle against me. So many teachable moments this life offers us, but how do you pour decades of experience into a fresh and young heart? You simply can't.

Thus begins the experience of ebb and flow in her life.

What I have learned in this position is that every season changes. Time helps, love heals. And when the days seem their darkest and pain is in its most raw moment, I remember that better days are ahead where I will again laugh until I cry, my heart will feel happy and carefree, and I will continue to experience moments that take my breath away.