Sunday, November 3, 2013

Picture Perfectness

I slept in until 6:50 a.m. this morning and thanks to time-change, it is now 5:50 a.m. which means I will be sleeping in all winter.  Being one that loves being up before the sun rises, this thrills me!

The weather forecast calls for sunshine and near 50 degrees. A picture perfect day for a walk on the trails (hot beverage in hand) in peak autumn where every tree is bursting in color.

I've planned carefully to have today open for the Sabbath, a day of relaxation.

My schedule has adjusted dramatically being a working full-time mom again, with all the responsibilities that come with running a household and raising teens. I've slipped back into my favorite routine of maintaining all my housework and shopping in the evenings and Saturday to have today completely free as a day of rest and leisure.

Actually, I used to be better and have this all done Monday through Friday so my entire weekend was free; however, I am only into this a few weeks now.

My home is sparkling clean. Laundry done. Bills paid. Errands ran, plus a full tank of gas. The frig is full with a fun and new dinner planned for this evening.

I have an entire day ahead of me to enjoy. Starting my morning off in church, lunch at my mom and dads with my girls, then embracing this picture perfect autumn day with the one I love strolling in picture perfectness (Wow, perfectness is actually a real word!).

God knew best and made His revelation known in the famous Top 10. Work six days then rest and rejuvenate on the seventh.