Monday, August 5, 2013

What % Are You Living In?

Since I was young I was in love with being in love.

As the decades passed and I learned to live in the 27% capacity that I received, I questioned why desired love so much if I was never to experience it in the very way I believed it should be.

Why was it a burning passion of mine and why did it always fail? I figured God instilled it in me for a reason, but as years turned into decades, I had a lot of hard questions.

Here I am 43 years old, wildly and fervently falling in love more and more every single day.

You know what the best part is? I have 43 years of experience in what to do and what not to do to make this sensational!

Hindsight ... I'm glad I had 27% then to know the value of 110% now versus living at the status quo of potentially 80% for a lifetime never knowing that 80% isn't the maximum.

God knew I would, too.