Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Wonderful Life

I will be the first to say that I have a wonderful life.

Winter and early springtime was rough. The toughest of steel will bend with enough heat and I was at my bending point. It was a season in my life and like all seasons summertime was right behind it.

Calm is restored. Happiness is back. Brooke's heart has had amazing healing this last month, she says she feels the dust has settled and her grieving and depression is behind her. She has moved on past the brutal aftermath of her dad's suicide.

Mariah is so excited to be 18 years old in a couple of weeks. Kirsten and I just firmed her 18th family birthday party celebration that will include her dad. Eric has lived past June, the time frame physicians gave him as his end of life.

Summer is the season of my heart.

I have embraced another summer home with my girls and have appreciated every single day. Thankful beyond measure every morning I wake up, embracing the sunshine, and all the fun summertime has to offer.

Blessed to have the means to be home when I was needed, courageous enough to take the leap of faith into yet another unknown when the situation called for change.

This summer has been a gift. Both of my girls happy and healthy is a blessing. My heart wildly falling in love is a miracle. A million "Thank you, Jesus's" are going up.

I have a wonderful life and I will be the first one to say it.