Monday, August 12, 2013

Poor Me

In all my happy glory I am embarrassed to admit I had a poor me moment.

It was warm & sunny Saturday summer night, all my friends had plans, my charming significant other was tired and sore from an action-packed afternoon of paintball, Brooke wasn't feeling well and I felt trapped at home.

Me, who has enjoyed all summer has to offer did not want to be home.

I felt like a brat.

In fairness to me, the author of this blog, I had to search my own mind in what was really going on. I was feeling very frustrated and stifled in a few areas in my life that are not in my control. Timelines that I have to wait patiently for when I want to drive hard and fast, because I am always ready for what's next.

In my not-my-best moment, my sad tone came across through text alerting the one I adore. I didn't realize he was dropping hints that he would like to get together, because I was lost in my poor me mentality. I wasn't mean, I just wasn't happy.

Mr. Pays-Complete-Attention asked if he could stop by.

He whisks into my evening in all his handsome glory, carefully trying to figure out what the heck is going on, and says the sweetest words, "I really missed you today."

During the hours he was playing paintball, he confessed he went to his car a couple of times to see if I had text him. I hadn't because he was out having fun with a group of guys and I wanted him to have his guy-time without feeling obligated to think about me.

A couple times I picked up my phone to text him, a couple times I put it right back down.  I couldn't wait to hear his paintball battle stories and he came through like the champion I knew he would.

I'm not a moody person; rather, upbeat, positive, and happy. It is far and few in between where I experience frustrations that I don't have the energy to disguise. I'm not nasty, just quiet.

It was the quiet that alerted my other heartbeat.

The evening was redeemed by his quick thinking and thoughtfulness, and a quick trip to a comedy club was my get-out-of-the-house-the-walls-are-closing-in for a few laughs.

In all my happy glory I had a poor me moment. Embarrassing? Yes. Beyond me? No. 

I have moments, too.