Saturday, April 6, 2013

Feng Shui

My last service at the spa was a pedicure to welcome spring and sandal season.

I confess, I don't readily bond with salon chatty personalities. I don't care for idle conversation, I prefer to enjoy a service in polite silence; however, the woman that performed my pedicure and I bonded on a mutual level quickly.

Casual conversation put it out there, I have two teenage daughters 13 and 17 and I know that she has a boyfriend of one year and he has a 14 year old daughter. We agreed that the early teen years are rough.

We also spoke about feng shui and colors. I shared the colors of my home, that my walls are chocolate brown, my fireplace accent wall is red and my decor accent color is bone.

Honestly, I don't remember how it happened, but she was looking down in the pedicure process, lifted her head up and said, "I know this is going to seem weird and I don't know why I feel like I have to say this, but you need to change the color of your red wall in your living room."

Okay, that was odd and random.

She explained that red can be felt as restless and anger. That I need to change the color of the wall for Brooke's feng shui and that I should let Brooke help me in this project.

I have little to no knowledge of feng shui so I did a little research. What I learned was there are five elements of feng shui:  Fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. 

I am the fire element, red. Red color is the strongest feng shui color representation of the fire feng shui element. The fire element is passion and high energy.

To those who are not of the fire element, it can bring restlessness, bursts of anger and over stimulation.

The look on her face and the lack of her own understanding as the woman said "I don't know why I feel like I have to say this ..." was intervention by someone and I have a deep level of respect for genuine and authentic intervention that makes no sense.

The message was communicated and I understand.

The red color of my fireplace accent wall will be changed this weekend to a calmer, happier feng shui color.

Brooke is excited to help me in this project.