Friday, October 29, 2021

Worth the Wait

It's been a really busy week. we started off the move with him in a fever and sick, then our all over the place work schedules, days worth of packing boxes, moving boxes, and finding space in my home. Movers moving the big stuff, and my relief we not only puzzled it in my house, but aesthetically it still looks good. 

The basement is packed with a mountain of things. Basically, we have 5,000 sq. feet between two homes into 2,000 sq. feet and a basement. My mom and dad's basement is filled, too. We thought downsizing to buying or building 1,800 sq. feet, open floor plan sounds ideal, perhaps after a major purge. 

We are making decisions as we go in our pace. 

I love having him here. I love knowing no matter how conflicting our schedules are, at night we are sleeping together. 

Our mornings start off laughing out loud before we are even out of bed. He is hysterically funny and lavishly showers me with affection, words of affirmations, and laughter. I never know what he is going to come up with, but he always surprises me with something wildly funny and laughing out loud before your feet hit the floor is good for the soul!

I'm happy. Really happy. He is so, so, so, so worth the wait.