Friday, October 22, 2021

My Heart is Twirling


He makes me feel beautiful and he makes me feel loved. When David walks in the door he always lights up like the Northern Lights. He lifts my hand and twirls me and always makes me feel beautiful at the end of long days. 

We've started the moving process and logic and romance fills my mind. I say logic, because he brings so much to this relationship with his family I have fallen in love with, with new friendships, and he brings some super neat kitchen stuff I don't have! ha ha He also has four living room sets we are trying to figure out on top of my two living rooms. 

What has surprised me the most is I feel I am falling deeper in love with him, which I never thought possible. I can only explain it having grandbabies... I am so completely in love with Sofia and when I felt I couldn't love any more than her, then Rowan came... then my sweet little Claire. 

My heart is growing in ways I didn't expect with this transition of our life together. We are putting our hearts, our faith, our trust, our families, our finances,  our everything all in forever. 

Thrill races through me and I am so blessed to share life with his man I am deeply in love with.