Thursday, May 13, 2021

Yummy's, Shopping, and a Farm, Oh My!


When my sweet girl asks three weeks in a row if we could have a date day, just her & me, without mommy, daddy, or brother, I etched out a day in my schedule and we made a day of it.

Good thing for her this grandmomma knows how to plan a fun day! Picking her up at 8:00 a.m. while Rowan was sleeping, I couldn't stand breaking his heart, we loaded up and headed out for a day of adventure. Donuts for breakfast and her favorite rainbow car wash.

A visit to great grammy & papa's house, Sofia was adamant that I forgot her Valentine's Day present. What?! I'm pretty sure I had something for her, but she wanted to go to Target. I suggested another store with... let's be honest, a variety of inexpensive toys. Very matter of fact, she said, "Target has more options." She's 3.

$103 later... she was pleased with her new dress, shoes, and princess purse and princess luggage.

Time to play at the park! Luggage, purse and accessories came, too. At one point she needed her sunglasses and her lipstick. There is no denying her, she is definitely my granddaughter! 

I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! When we stopped for ice cream, I confess I was a bit confused when Sofia requested her face mask (eye mask). I'm thinking, she won't be able to see. Sofia insisted we must wear our masks. I told her we were outdoors, we didn't have to. She was adamant and so, we wore masks. *For the record, I would never go anywhere where she had to wear a mask. 

The new luggage came filled with travel accessories and her eye mask (which she calls her face mask) was requested when she was getting sleepy. 

Back to my house, I was hoping to rock her in the chair for a nap, turned into riding bikes and playing vacation. With her new luggage, we traveled to the beach in the back yard on the yellow bus (large yellow garden wagon filled with pillows for comfort). We played ice cream shop with whip topping and we were off for our next adventure.

One of my dearest girl friends has a farm and I simply couldn't wait to take Sofia and show her all the animals. Yesterday morning, Charlotte's lamb had twins and we got to experience her going into the barn to pick up and hold the babies for the first time and how to check their genders. There was a girl and a boy! 

Chickens, turkeys, and ducks, we watched them be fed and they followed us. 

It was the baby bunny's that Sofia liked the most! Charlotte had 4 left and Sofia in the car asked if she could take one home. That takes me back in time when Mariah (her mommy) rescued 4 kittens and hoodwinked her dad into believing I said she could bring them home. To my house, not his, and he did. ha ha 

Dropping her off at church, my girl had a great day and I did, too!