Monday, May 17, 2021

A Taste Testing


There is something magical about time etched out of two busy schedules, an open afternoon/evening with the one I am crazy about, the sun shining, and the world slips away... I am lost in him.

We both like sweet red wines and we've tried all different kinds. The question is, how do you really know which one you like the absolute best when not tried together. We had a blind taste testing game out of this! Only five are captured in the photo, when we really had six. Numbering a piece of paper, we had to give it a score from 1-10 on how much we liked it AND try to guess which wine it was.

This is the perfect way to figure out which we both truly like best. Until... I poured him straight pickle juice! Lol THAT was funny!

This is a fun game with a lot of affection in between. 

We discovered our top picks were the two Mango drinks. One is a margarita and one a sangria. 

Making dinner together, he grilled and I handled the sides, we enjoyed dinner on the patio on a warm evening in the sunshine. 

As we sat to eat, he took my hand in his and said the blessing. It was a moment that caught me off guard. While there are so many details about him that amaze and impress me, he took it to another level. My faith is absolutely important to me. Having a man initiate and lead... there are no words.