Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day


I am blessed because I've never gone a day without knowing I am loved.

I am blessed because I have a Mom who loves God, my dad, and my brother and me. 

I am blessed because I've known the joy of carrying two babies. I'm blessed because God always provided for us, and I'm so significantly blessed to have a close relationship with them both now.

I am blessed because when you think your heart cannot hold any more love, God smiles and says, "My sweet girl, you haven't seen anything yet..."  

... and then my grandbabies arrived, one by one, and my heart bursts with love with every snuggle, kiss, and time with them.

Blessings for me have never been in "things", but all the things money cannot buy. 

Today we get to celebrate Mother's Day being together as a family, and that in itself is such a blessing and I don't take that for granted. 

Happy Mother's Day, Mom, I love you!