Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Honey + Mango


I confess, I love mango flavored just about everything. Yet, I had never heard of a Honey Mango until last week. One of my New Year's resolutions is to continue to try new fruits and vegetables that I've never had before. So, when I saw honey + mango, quite possibly a perfect combination, I wasn't fully prepared for it's extraordinary sweetness!

Yayyy, God! 

Can you imagine His joy and excitement as he created the earth and filled it with perfect fruits. Each so distinctly unique, and then, He filled them with vitamins He knew would beneficial to our bodies. 

The next time you taste a fruit, close your eyes so you are forced to slow down and really taste it.

The next time you walk in a grocery store, slow down in the fresh produce section... really look at the variety of colors, their shapes, and each unique distinct flavor. All healthy. All beneficial. 

Just when I think I have savored much, I am caught completely off guard, and I stand in awe of Him. 

At that first bite, I wonder if our Creator watches our surprise and joy and thinks, "Yes, I am especially fond of those, too."