Tuesday, September 29, 2020
It Was Time...
Thursday, September 24, 2020
When I Saw You...
Congrats Brooke & Alex!
It was on Brooke & Alex's 1st Wedding Anniversary they received the keys to their new home!
Congratulations on your 1st wedding anniversary and your new home, what a wonderful way to celebrate and I am so proud of you both making such a responsible investment into your lives together!
It is a dollhouse with a great piece of property.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Radiating Happiness
The General Manager and I have shared an office for the last almost two years. You really get to know someone spending so much time in such close proximity.
David stops in to see me and the staff adores him. He is a social superstar laughing and having conversations with each of them. The girls have commented on his incredible body. Yea, I know. *lucky me girl smile* Sometimes we sit on the patio laughing and talking and I'm learning the girls love to watch us. They've never seen this side of me... they know me being professionally tough.
Dominic, the GM, a Millennial, looked at me yesterday out of the blue and said, "I'm never happy for other people... but when David walks in, you absolutely light up and I am really happy for you."
David is magnetic and when we see each other there are fireworks! All my senses come fully alive and the world slips away when I step in his arms. He is the epitome of a man who lavishly and openly adores me and let's me know he wants to take care of me.
This seasoned warrior with a romantic soul is the most brilliant man I've ever met and he makes my soul sing.
Absolutely his presence makes me radiate happiness.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
What I've Learned Losing 50 Lbs
Monday, September 7, 2020
He Makes My Soul Sing
Saturday, September 5, 2020
He's the One