Saturday, August 22, 2020

Thou Art To Me...

My mind is alive in stimulation that challenges me. He welcomes me, meets me, and exceeds my words. Free and generous, speaking my language, I dig deep to match this fount of romantic affirmations. 

It isn't really digging deep when I self check. It's more the pulling off the boundaries others couldn't handle and I knew inside didn't have the capacity to appreciate. Being given free rein to be a fount where I am stimulated and challenged in the safe place of encouragement and want.

He exhilarates me. 

Highly successful and a mind that captures my pure admiration and respect, I am lost in hope and cannot shake the significance. 

He is crazy about me. 

Tall, dark and handsome, when he pulled me in his arms and kissed me that first time, and I felt his strong hands slide up into my hair, and passion was breathed back in me. What I have stifled for so long, wasn't lost. It was just waiting. There you are... I've missed you. 

Too many parallels... and I remember my words days before I met him... "How much longer will you make me wait, Lord? You said it isn't good for man to be alone..." 

He is a warrior with a romantic soul. 

How blessed am I with wisdom and knowledge that I can bask in simply being a woman with a matched soul, breathe life, admiration and respect into his strengths, and lose myself in his want of me. 

My mind is fully alive and challenged and desire awakened. There is no worry for the future; rather, fully living in this very moment grateful we've found each other.