Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Keto Cylcing

The 10th of the month will be my 5th month on the Keto Diet. My plan was to go full Keto until my 50th birthday, then slide into Keto cycling, which means I can go Keto two day, have a carb day, Keto two days, have a carb day, and so forth. 

I've been low-grade fearful of what will actually happen if I do this, but this is what I've found...

While each month my weight loss becomes less, eating the piece of cake, a cookie, chocolate, a hamburger, potatoes, etc. when I want isn't stopping weight loss. I feel guilt-free eating something if I want it, it just isn't my daily high carb choices. I stay under 30 carbs per day. 

When I get on the scales and see the number that continues to come down, it's a win-win. 

Three pounds doesn't seem like much, but these last three pounds feel significant. My belt is of no use to me. What was once tight at the last hole in the belt, now needs a couple new holes drilled in to fit. So I'm going to buy a new one, because it no longer fits. 

A pair of pants now no longer fit due to being so scrunched at the waist by a belt to keep on. 

The best part is, I recognize myself again in the mirror with no clothes on. Instead of thinking, "who is that and how did that happen?" I'm like... there she is.