Sunday, October 6, 2019


I'm coming up for air after an incredibly busy event season. What I mean by busy is 10-14 hour days, 6-7 days per week. Events have their busy seasons and seasons where events are light, which makes it intense, but a fun career. 

About 5 months ago, I beat corporate's revenue goal for me, but I still had my own personal goal I wanted to reach. I've always said, "If I have nobody to compete with, I will compete against myself." 

I surpassed my personal goal by a good amount. My reward, really more for my dedication and corporate saying they need me to take our location to the next level, I've been professionally acknowledged with:
  • An assistant to handle events, so I can focus even more on sales, which is want I want (This frees up my life quite a bit and they are afraid if I burn out I will leave. We all have choices),
  • A very significant base salary increase. I cried grateful tears when I heard it. It validates my heart and effort I've put into tremendous growth. 
  • I received the invitation a couple days ago that I am included in the corporate trip with General Managers in Florida this winter. The surprise location to be announced in November. How exciting!

Every year corporate meets with General Manager from 150 locations from across the country. Last year, they included top management from each location and I was happy to go, they do this every couple years. I was surprised and thrilled to be invited this year, too! 

I'm looking forward to extending that trip and spending more time in Florida vacationing. 

I am so blessed and I know it. 

Working hard and persevering has paid off in so many ways and it can go in so many directions with financial freedom, professional and personal relationships, and I love the freedom of doing what I want, when I want, and how I want. 

In all things wonderful, there are only two simple things I want: I want this nail polish off and back to my nature nails and I want ice cream. Both accomplished!

In a world knowing I can have significant things, its the simple things that still make me happiest.