Sunday, October 6, 2019

Wedding Day Photos

Wedding photos from the photographer are trickling in. We still have many more photos to come, but I want to show you.

My daughter, breathtaking and beautiful. Alex looks so handsome. 

Brooke wanted a princess wedding and she wanted the Belle rose included and so it sat on the gift table next to her card box.

My Sofia's pretty dress.

I am really hoping photos come in with all the candles lit and the uplighting in the background.

Getting my little girl ready her wedding day.


Proud Papa walking his granddaughter down the aisle. 

There is something magical in the air when the bride walks down the aisle that takes your breath away. 

My brother, the pastor.

My sister-in-law, Melissa, who created the wedding cake Brooke designed.

Their 1st dance as husband & wife. Dancing on a cloud, complements of my DJ. This is an iPhone captured moment. I can't wait to see the photographers photo.

There are so many photos and I will share them as they come in.