Tuesday, October 1, 2019

On This Day

Facebook has this feature, On This Day, that captures memories from past years. It makes me smile and remember the little moments in life that made me happy and want to share; yet, they weren't big monumental moments that are deemed an anniversary of any sort and in time you just forget those million little details until reminded.

It's a lovely feature and today I saw Sofia two years ago in a video I took talking to her when she was two months old and sneezed. That memory so vividly captured in a video, took me back to that moment.

Ordinary moments, millions of ordinary moments become our life.

This Sometimes post popped up from several years ago. It was a mix of emotions of remembering how I felt then when I posted it with my sweet caption. I remember being that girl and this boy and what I believed in then and what I thought I had.

People often chase an artificial life. Instant everything and always needing more, more, and more things. Never satisfied. In all the instant, artificial, superficial and endless searching, the pure and real moments in life are cast aside and disregarded. Before long the path is unrecognizable. 

This girl and boy were destroyed. Love is a choice. 

It's the little moments that matter. 

The ordinary moments where the soul smiles and your heart burst with love. The moments where you are just happy and peaceful. The moments where you breathe and you want time to slow down to savor it. 

Those are the moments that matter.