Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pruning and Fine-Tuning

God always knows, but He let's me know He knows through blessings that fall on me like a spring showers in every direction I walk. 

Messages from heaven. Blessings that capture my attention. God in control.

I know who to thank. He makes His presence known stronger at times than in others.

I look back on my life and I see my direction and paths. I see God's roadblocks.

Reflecting back I clearly see why those roadblocks were my best interest. Whew, a lot of close calls! My life would be so different than it is now. 

My life continues to get better and better, but it only moves in the direction of my goals when I continue to do the work. Significance is a choice.  

My life feels like it is in a perfecting stage. 

My eyes are firm and steadfast on what I want and I am always pruning and fine-tuning to make me better in ways of improving excellent health and fitness, skincare to look my very best, adventures I want to take, the little things that are my everything I want in my life and my love language met. 

Important details, decisions that change through the years. Like a book with clean pages ready to be written that will become a best seller. 

I feel significance in the most important areas of my life deeply. Sometimes these feelings drive me to do things that others can not understand. 

God knows significance in my life is my quest. He continues to open opportunities that I do not even know about and sets my feet on a firm path. 

I find it easy to abandon myself to those I love, thrive in the relationships in my life and I give those areas of my life everything I am.

I wouldn't want it any other way.