Monday, December 23, 2013

The Romance of Christmas

It is two days before Christmas and I feel the crescendo of the romance of Christmas building.

The presents are wrapped. Three gifts each.

David and I made Christmas cookies for the 1st time together.  Sugar cookies with two cups of hot cocoa stirred with candy canes and Christmas music filling the air to set the baking mood. We made a mess and I laughed when he asked to smell the cookie dough then his surprise when he presented me the perfect opportunity into shoving it in his face. Bet he doesn't ask that again!

Christmas Sunday just yesterday. Traditional Christmas hymns sung in church.

The Christmas tree is often the only light in the room with its soft glow projecting celebration in warm ambiance.

The final touches complete and we are expecting snow for Christmas.

Planning. Much thought. Careful preparation.

Our "Sparkle Box" sits beside the glowing tree with our acts of kindness as our gift to Jesus on his birthday.

No matter what is happening ... the romance of Christmas takes my focus off of all the less than perfects in my life and projects it on the birth of Jesus and my God guaranteeing me my happily ever after.

I am keeping my eyes on Him and celebrating His birthday the best way I can by keeping the birth of Jesus the focus of Christmas in our home.