Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Today is Election Day.

Today is America's right to vote on the next President of the United States. It's as patriotic as 4th of July and in spirit and patriotism I do not vote early, rather I prefer to face the chaos at the polls on this special day.

Politics is not my passion, but I did become passionate about this race.

The more I know about the candidates the more passionate I became and the more reflective I became over my country and my beliefs.

Statistically we are a disaster and quite honestly I don't know who I am more aggravated with, Democrats who don't understand statistics and lost their morals or Christian Republicans who have kept their mouths shut as to not offend others.

The two topics they say you shouldn't discuss is religion and politics. They are both HOT buttons. I get that, BUT when it comes to voting on the next President of the United States as leader over our country with one that is for abortion (it is okay to kill unborn babies) and gay marriage and the other says it is not okay, you better start talking! Not to mention a host of other hot debate issues that reflect the candidates that oppose and support them.

Christians better start talking. Christians need to remember what they stand for and be willing to run to the battle line. There are so many political issues being debated with Biblical backing, but everyone wants to remain silent and keep their beliefs to themselves so there is no confrontation as to not upset anyone. Talk about being luke warm.

How do you say nicely, "Thou shalt not kill?"  Why are we afraid to say marriage was created by God and He said it is between man and woman. I have gay friends that I care for, but it doesn't mean that what I believe in stops at that friendship. I do believe when God says, "the borrower is slave to the lender" Proverbs 22:7. American is over 16 Trillion dollars in debt. That is beyond scary.

I also believe that in the end of times, things will continue to get worse and worse. Biblically it is written and I believe we are here.

My opinions are hard core and my faith is steadfast. I am thankful for my family that is united in faith & beliefs and not torn politically.

The race is close and this election day many Americans, families and friends are divided.

I pray for my country.

This election is big, but God is bigger and it is in His hands.

Thy will be done.