Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Proud And Thankful Heart

Watching the election results all evening with my Mariah, shortly after 11:00 p.m. the results came in and Obama was re-elected as President of the United States.

It was what I expected, warned, and talked about with my daughters beforehand.

As the generations continue to become more entitled and feel their rights are unlimited, I do believe moral decay will continue to get worse. It has been written and slowly it is beginning to happen.

With all of this, I am so proud today with a thankful heart! Sounds surprising, huh?

When I look at the closest people in my life, I am proud of the Christians who spoke up and did not hesitate to state their beliefs in this important cause and stand their moral ground.

I come from a bloodline of strong women who will not be meek or silent.

My mom who openly and publically defends her faith.

My daughters who are steadfast in their faith and will passionately defend their morals against their own generation in school among their teen peers that are morally a hot mess. I am proud of the strong young women of faith that they are.

My girlfriends who are unshaken and publically profess their faith and politcal beliefs. One I am especially proud of for remaining a strong Republican when her husband is running for state Democratic office. Now that is a confident & strong woman! Supporting her husband, while not compromising her own beliefs, nor afraid to share them.

My male friends that voted in this campaign on the basis of their Christian faith. One who went against the very Democratic union he works for.

Men and women who remain unshaken and not silent when put in uncomfortable political conversations.

I am proud and thankful that my family and my closest friends share a core value of morals and Christian faith against a world that wants all their entitlement, rights, and thinks it's all going to get better.

America, a country once built on Christian values, the shifting has already begun, and we are no longer the majority.