Thursday, May 3, 2012

Timelines, Mountains & Weight Training

A trip to the orthopedic physician yesterday confirmed damage to my knee.

A torn medial meniscus and chondroplacia patella. Blah, blah, blah ... what that means to me is my my timeline has just been hit with a sledgehammer!

I say hit with a sledgehammer because my personal timelines are not simply penciled in dates on a calendar. They are concrete stamped goals in my mind that I give 110% trying to move heaven and earth to make happen.

This all means, I don't let go easily.

My new orthopedic physician is great! He came most highly referred and gets tons of bonus points for his fun personality.

He gave me my options after xrays were taken:  Remove fluid by needle (I laughed, that is not even a consideration), steriods for inflammation but will cause weight gain (I think he can tell now by my expressions that isn't happening either!), physical therapy, or an MRI to see if surgery is the final answer.

I feel he must understand, so I explain the last 6 weeks at the gym, my personal timeline, and my need to recover as quickly as he can make it happen. He explains I am not 20'something anymore. Good comeback, I like his honesty!

In the MRI machine I go.  When he returns from vacation, I get my test results and game plan.

On a side note ... the MRI technician read how my injury happened in kickboxing and said she has always wanted to try the class. Here, she also goes to Powerhouse Gym as well and will be joining me for class this Saturday morning. I won't be kicking though!

Now, I am facing a mountain that I must get over.  Ten days until my test results, then of course further delays on what that will bring. My timeline is slowly being destroyed with every day that passes.

I can't kick. I can't bounce. I'm swollen if I walk. I'm swollen if I stand for hours. I have a toothache in my knee. *sigh*

Here is what I do have to work with though:  I have other body parts I can focus on, I'm less swollen in the morning before activity. Ibuprofen helps!

Today I learned how to use the weight training equipment. Not my favorite thing; however, my new focus in keeping my timeline on track.

Timelines. Mountains. Weight training.

Go over, go around, go through, but never give up!