Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sugar Cookie Cravings

My girls love to hear stories of my pregnancies with them, my cravings when pregnant and their deliveries.

"What was it you craved when you were pregnant with me?" they ask.

Pregnancy cravings were bizarre cravings. They were cravings for food that I never ate and suddenly I couldn't get enough of.

With Mariah, I craved Subway sandwiches. I wasn't even a cold cut sandwich kind of girl, but I couldn't get enough of sub sandwiches and I could easily down a footlong when pregnant. I laugh when I remember how Eric would look at me worried that I was eating so much, asking me if I was full yet?  A very pregnant me was frustrated with him not understanding, I couldn't get full!

With Mariah it was Subway footlong sandwiches and coney dogs. Two foods I never eat now.

With Brooke, I craved Mounds candy bars and Eat-n-Park sugar cookies. My mom bought me a few bags of bite size Mounds bars when I was pregnant with Brooke, I always appreciated that.

Eat-n-Park sugar cookies were treasured delights!  A special pleasure I indulged in during my pregnancy.

Today I was feeling nostaligic, so Brooke and I went to Eat-n-Park.  Brooke loves these sugar cookies, too! 

One cookie each would have been fine, buuuuuuut Valentine's Day is only two days away.