Thursday, February 2, 2012

Its Greatness

Brooke has found a new passion in drawing art. She spends much of her free time sketching detailed, animated characters into stories.

Her picture stories are about real topics she is familiar with such as Mariah & Mike’s relationship, sketches of family & friend’s individual qualities and interests as well as picture stories of her and her dad.

Brooke is very artistic and musical. Recently, I am seeing story telling interests in her as well.

She has a school project that she is doing on a Desert Rose. Her story starts off with a sketch of one of her characters, a character she uses to describe me, “Hi, I’m Rosie. I am a perfect combination of what happens when the desert sand meets the wind ...”

Her project was supposed to be one paragraph, but she said because of its greatness, she made it two!

Hmmm … someone else in my family likes to capture moments and write.

I think Brookie is greatness, too!