Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 16th

 Oh, August 16th, how I love thee... 

An ordinary day became unexpectedly magnificent and extraordinary and I knew, I knew, I knew it the moment he entered the coffee shop. I said then and I say now, the air changed and became electric!

I knew he was extraordinary, I just didn't know how or why. I called it and claimed it, he was and is!

Everything inside me that had been dormant for so long came alive in ways I never expected and falling in love with him, only God. 

His mind is brilliant. Sexy and smoldering, tall, dark and handsome, loving and endlessly affectionate. In his arms is my safe place, and as ridiculous as it sounds, straddling on top of him is home, the world can slip away...

Today we re-created last August 16th. He surprised me and wore the shirt he wore then and I put on the top I wore. Sitting at the same table I sat it a year ago, he walked in, this time I took his photo.

Sitting outside in the same chairs we sat in then... this time I could lean over and kiss him and tell him, "I love you" and to be kissed and hear, "I love you, too" is everything. 

The weather was perfect today, just like last year. 

Thank you, David, for wearing your shirt and reenacting the moment we met. It is even more magical today, because I know you are magnificent and extraordinary for so many reasons, and you still take my breath away. I love you and I love us.