Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Resemblance

When my brother messaged me that my mom found a photo of my grandfather when he was young and I have his eyes and hair, well, you can only imagine the crazy joke photo I was waiting for him to send. He is my brother after all.

But then, I opened the photo and I was caught off guard. 

My grandfather was from Wales and came to the United States when he was a teenager. He passed away when I was young and I don't know a lot about him other than he was a hard worker and a great salesman. 

When I hear someone talk with a thick English accent, it's familiar and I instantly think of him. 

I've never even seen a younger photo of him, until yesterday. 

Zooming in, I recognized our eyes. Add 10" and I bet our hair would look alike as well. 

I also see my brother in him. My brothers coloring is just different from my own with lighter hair and hazel eyes. My grandfather was the shortest of four brothers at 6'4", which is where my little brother gets his height at 6'8". 

It's amazing how you can see pieces parts of yourself in from grandparents.