Saturday, August 12, 2017

My Granddaughter

She is a brown-haired beauty and her name is ...

Sofia Mae

... and she is perfect in every way. 

This Grandmomma is hopelessly in love with her.

"The phone call" came at 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 10th. When I saw it was my Mariah, she said the magical words, "Mom, we are on our way to the hospital!" I asked if she was okay and she said she was hurting really bad. 


She went into labor at midnight, labored for 23 hours, pushed for 1 hour, and our sweet baby arrived!

Her dreams come true, she handled laboring with strength and control. She never once groaned, yelled or made a noise. She was in her zone, focused, pushing with intensity and when she would take a breath she'd open her eyes and lock them with Jeremy's, close them again and PUSH. It was beautiful, clean and controlled. 

We fell in love when the baby's head crowned and we saw dark hair! The first baby in her husbands giant family clan of all blond-haired, blue eyes and pale skin, enters my beautiful granddaughter, the one who will stand out like a brown-haired beauty, my Sofia!

We all rejoiced as we waited with anxious hearts to see if it would be a girl or boy. Mariah had her head up looking as Sofia was raised and she shouted, "It's a GIRL!" before anyone else could see.

Praying continuously, I fell in love instantly thanking God. 

My beautiful daughter had a beautiful daughter that looks just like her and I couldn't want any more.

For me ... I see pure love and a life shared with her full of hopes, dreams, rich in experiences and I remember my own relationship that I had with my grandmothers and know my role in her life with be different than with her mommy & daddy, yet powerful in it's own beautiful way. 

Her sweet baby scent, her velvety soft skin, her little squeaks, sounds and expressions. She is perfect in every way. 

Welcome to the world, my beautiful Sofia. xo