Tuesday, January 17, 2017

In Breathless Anticipation

My grand baby is 11 weeks developing in my daughter's womb. Loved and covered in prayer, the anticipation of my grand baby's arrival is extraordinary! 

I had a wonderful relationship with both my grandmothers. One that transcended the adoring grandmotherly type, to much time spent, hearts shared, DNA revealed that history explained, to dear friendships.

Remembering fondly and knowing how special this relationship is, I simply cannot wait to take all I know and make it more perfect for my grand baby.

It is odd to love someone so much and not even know its gender, its sweet little face, its unique little personality, its heart, hopes, dreams, aspirations, and its own very special purpose.

I will be right there present from the very beginning, loving, nurturing, and with my very own special extraordinary relationship that is different from Mariah & Jeremy.

I am in breathless anticipation of that first moment when I meet this little bundle of joy. Those first seconds my eyes get to see, my hands get to embrace, and to kiss and breathe in this baby, a perfect extension and new generation of my own daughter and son-in-law.

I am in breathless anticipation of this bond and relationship I cannot wait to have with my grandchild.