Saturday, January 7, 2017


The first couple of weeks we had Max were awful.

Max is the sweetest little purr-box fur ball. Pick him up and he purrs. Sweet and cuddly, Finn hated him.

Finn stalked him. Beat on him. Marked his territory several times in the house and nearly unraveled my nerves. Many times I had to lock him in a room in a time out because he was being so mean.

Then ... it stopped.

At two weeks Finn just quit.

I remember the day Brooke Facetime'd me saying, "Shhhhh ... look!" The boys were laying in a chair together and Finn was cleaning Max. I was shocked. Finn took on a paternal role with Max watching him and cleaning him.

We have had Max for two months now, he is four months old. Last week he spent two days at the vets getting neutered and front claws removed. Finn was lost without Max.

Brooke came home from school and Finn was crying.

Sweet Max came home and they have played and cuddled since.

Finn needed Max and they make the two cutest brothers.