Thursday, January 26, 2017

i-Life or Real Life?

Do you ever wish you could get back the time in your day spent on an iphone or a computer and wish you had spent the time doing something you really enjoy?

At the end of a day if we could total up the minutes and perhaps hours spent looking at a piece of hardware concerned we may have missed something, truth be told, we missed nothing of importance.

A piece of hardware with no pulse often gets more time and attention than what is truly important to us.

A time-filler, social and easy has taken over.

What would you do in the mornings if there wasn't an iphone? Would your morning routine look very different?

I have a growing dissatisfaction of what is really important to me surprisingly set aside due to an i-life that doesn't fulfill anything significant.

If I had to make a list of a couple things really important to me, hobbies or interests, I am shocked how set aside they are due to "not enough" time in the day.

Pruning is a refreshing season. Cutting off dead branches that add nothing and/or detract from what is really important in my life is like cleaning out a house. You think you need to hold onto something because what if you may need it one day. Then you decide to clean out closets, cupboards and the garage and you just feel clean and refreshed and a huge sense of relief when it is done.

Why don't we do that with the junk that fills our i-life that detracts our hearts desires and happiness in real life?

Sometimes we need to prune where empty time is spent. Sometimes we need to prune what and who isn't important that takes up seconds and minutes and perhaps totaling hours in a day. Sometimes you have to unfollow people in real life.

Reaching for a piece of hardware first thing every morning, family and friends together with their iphone in hand afraid to miss something, look around you in even a restaurant. Lost time looking at hardware that has slowly replaced real people, once loved hobbies, our hearts interests and priorities has taken over in a way that makes me think of the walking dead.

I want 2017 to be filled with all things truly important. To really be in the moment, real life important stuff.