Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Modern Day Ruth Post

I love this, from A Modern Day Ruth ...

She likes intelligence...Toilet humor just won't impress her.
She is very aware of a heart that's in tune with the Holy Spirit.
She is attracted to genuine kindness, and a hand of gentleness more than your bank account...and how you steward and handle your money does matter. What do you do with it? What do you invest in? Where does your treasure mainly go?
She's been humbled many times in all that she's had to walk through. She needs you to understand this and to treat her better than her temporary circumstances.
She's intelligent and needs to have inspiring and warm conversation. Talk of what level you made on a video game isn't going to cut it.
She needs you to know she may be kind, gentle and have a child like faith but that don't mean she's not a woman. She is real. She's passionate and sensual too. She just keeps it in check for the one who is worth the wait.
She takes things a bit seriously. She's analytical and could use your humor. Dry, realistic humor makes her laugh. She loves to laugh, she just doesn't know how to get herself there sometimes.
She notices how you treat others: children, the elderly, those in authority, those who serve...She notices.
You take her breath away when you completely and totally abandon pride and worship with all your heart.
She is old fashioned. She's an old soul. She likes to be pursued first. She isn't going to chase you down. She will let you know she likes you, though.
She is a lady and always will be and she won't be treated like anything less.
She cries because the Holy Spirit makes her heart so tender. Her tears don't mean she's weak.
Your age doesn't matter as much as your maturity.
She is a follower by nature. She wants you to lead spiritually. She's wants to follow, not lead.
Her children are her great treasure and blessing...If you can't see or appreciate that too, you are not the one.
She has been misunderstood, labeled, abandoned, broken and used. It took her a long time to find her worth. She won't lower her self worth again for anybody. Be a reminder of who she is in Christ every day. She will honor you for that.
She has a heart for the kingdom, and it's her hobby to serve in His kingdom always. She loves ministry and investing in others for God. It's her favorite. She eats, breathes, and lives to encourage others. She might not see the point of joining a bowling league...Just saying She wants a man who she can serve with...who has a heart for people.
Her heart isn't easily won. The right one will know how to not give up.
She can't follow a man who has no vision, dreams or aspirations. She can't follow you if you don't follow and listen to the Holy Spirit.
She admires a man who tries and who is sincere. She knows you're human and that you're not perfect. She isn't looking for perfection...She's longing for humbled sincerity.
She longs for your strength, your manhood, your availability to be leaned on. You can be her earthly hero if God is yours.
She wants to hear the music of your heart. It's not how you sing, but why you do that matters. A king David, kind of heart is attractive.
She is a girly girl by nature. She loves to wear dresses and heels and have her nails and toes done. She likes sparkly things. Don't let that make you think she is materialistic, because she's not. She loves people, God, and animals more than things, but she does enjoy a new handbag and shoes once in a while.
She loves taking bubble baths and she hopes to someday have a man who will either join her or read the Bible to her while she takes one.
She doesn't own the key of her heart...Poppa God does. So if you want in, you must know the doorman and get His permission.
Written by Jenny Williams, A Modern Day Ruth Copyright 2014