Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New Carpet and Change

This morning I woke up to new carpet in my home. While that sounds so ordinary, it is actually quite extraordinary for several reasons.

I am a creature of habit, almost to a fault at times. I don't like change and as change has it, berber carpet is out of style. Who knew?

History continues to prove that I hold onto things until they are nearly discontinued, such as my favorite color of lipstick that I held onto for 10 years until one day it just wasn't made anymore. And berber [while not discontinued, nobody buys it anymore].

There I was in a carpet warehouse on a mission to find the same berber carpet in the same bone color. When I was forced into change, I went into the other direction. Flipping through so many choices that I was confused, my eyes came across one.

It was a pattern.

Do I like it or don't I like it? A bold risk. I am not a pattern girl; however, for change sake I bought it.

Suddenly, that bone color berber carpet I always thought I loved, I couldn't get it out of my house fast enough!

How do you go from loving your choice for so many years, to the wear and tear and footprints that slowly stain, to complete disgust?

Then the sweetest surprise happened ... I was at work when someone said there was a guy there for me. It was my dad. He walked in, hugged me, kissed me, and handed me the payoff to my carpet. He found out I was getting new carpet and paid my debt.

My carpet is perfect. Brand new, plush, clean, the color and pattern exactly what my home needed.