Thursday, September 8, 2016

Moral Courage

In a fast world of technology-addicted, unlimited access to anything and everything, lost is life and values that have been replaced with entitlements in segments of compromise.

I love new adventures and experiences. Last night a new walking path was discovered which feels like a treasure in my heart. The secluded path lead to an abandoned historic home from the 1800's.

It felt so remote surrounded by trees and ponds and walking up to this home to look in the windows, it was like stepping back in time. Into a world I've never known, but suddenly long for.

A simple way of life.

Less access to waking up to your iphone, Facebook, emails, texts, that distract and offer thousands of little choices at the start of every day and continue throughout the day. Choices that pull your thoughts into opposite directions, one little compromise after another and suddenly you look up and you've wandered from your life into one you don't even recognize.

I long for the noise to quiet and the gentle reminder of knowing that sometimes you have to take it back to the basics.

I long for the foundation of values, family, church, wisdom, waking up with a husband and breakfast. Knowing when to shut the world out and pull close together.

I long for the unsung hero's of character, honesty, integrity, and moral courage.  

This life offers unlimited anything and everything. I look up and see I have not deprived myself of anything or any want and I have tasted and enjoyed the best of all the things I've wanted to try.

Action. Adventure. Here. There. Everywhere.

My soul still longs for a life I don't have. And, walking up to that old, abandoned home I suddenly wished the world wide web would disappear where eyes wake up looking inside the home instead of curious as to what else is out there.