Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Car for Brooke

When I wanted to get a kitten after Sammy Blue died, I did state-wide searches for Ragdoll kittens and was frustrated with one obstacle after another. So I made praying my foundation and although it took a bit of time, I found my Finneaus King Solomon whom I love.

It's time for Brooke to get a car now that she is working and starts school next week.

I feel as if I am on the total freedom home stretch with her almost 17 years old and becoming more independent. Her wants, I've always provided, are now being purchased through her own paychecks.

She is embracing and loving the beauty of working = having. She sure likes to have and that alone will be justification, motivation and inspiration to work.

She needs a car.

I certainly am not a car expert, so I am tapping into a lot of prayer to find the perfect car situation for both her and I, as I did with finding my sweet boy Finneaus.

A lot of prayer has lead to avenues opening and I am learning more in this car buying arena that I would really rather pass off to someone who enjoys this far more than me.

The goal is to make wise financial decisions while sitting in a vehicle I am excited and happy to drive for years to come.

And so my search continues ...