Monday, July 7, 2014

It's Here ... That Moment in Life

It's here ... that moment in life. The destination that was seemingly lifetimes away where you knew it would eventually happen, but getting there through the long, arduous journey, the quest lost its vigor.

Often, when a divorce happens it is absolutely normal to look forward to the day when you no longer have to put up with your child's other biological parent. Years of sharing parental responsibility with someone you cannot be with makes for a couple of long decades.

I used to imagine once my girls reached adulthood and communications were no longer necessary, it would be their weddings, the birth of their babies and special celebrations with grandchildren would be shared with their dads.

Honestly, I longed for those days of very limited contact.

Never did I imagine this.

Their premature deaths are earthly concepts and it still feels surreal.

It's here ... that unanticipated moment in life where both dads are gone.

No longer held to live in close proximity of them for our children's sake. It isn't the hallelujah celebration and relief I anticipated, it is purely the end of one season that felt like a lifetime, as a whole new season in life is about to begin for all of us.

Today just feels like the very first day now that the long week of the funeral is over.