Monday, July 14, 2014

Health & Fitness Gadgets

Some days I fall in love all over again.

David texts he is on his way to pick me up to run the Monument after work and we go do this thing together. Both of us want a healthy lifestyle. Both of us crave health & fitness. Doing it together makes it perfect.

We have a routine. He says, "Let's ..." and I am ready. Simple.

He is a bit more complicated and I have different terms I hurl his direction when I sit waiting while he pulls out every gadget Dick's Sporting Goods and Best Buys offers that falls under health & fitness.

We cannot simply go for a run or a bike ride when there are so many statistics that can be monitored.

Who rolls their ear buds perfectly back into their original case?!  Everything has its perfect place.


I patiently wait. I really don't mind, especially if it makes him happy.  He makes me happy.

We run the steps in our own routines and meet to walk around the park in between sets together. I like to knock him off balance and hip bump him off the sidewalk when he is tired, which inevitably opens a can of whoop-butt on me. He always wins.

This handsome boy is my best friend in the whole world and I love our life we are building together.

Some days I fall in love all over again and today is one of those normal, magical days.