Sunday, May 4, 2014

An Emergency Graduation Celebration

Kirsten, Mariah's step mom, asked if she could come by tonight as I was getting ready for bed. She needed to give me an update on Eric as ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease is rapidly taking his life and they need to get him into special care for comfort medical care soon to ease his struggle. He has held on for Mariah's graduation much longer than physicians ever thought he ever would.

Life brings so many unreal moments that are never expected. My ex-husband is only 45 years old, our daughter 18 years and we are preparing for his death that is fast approaching. Kirsten and I share openly and emotionally about all that is about to happen and prepare together as a team. Life wasn't always this way.

We are planning Mariah's graduation party to be in three weeks, actually the weekend before she walks in graduation for the sooner rather than later, but it still isn't going to be soon enough. His end is very near.

Eric needs to be a part of this last celebration for our daughter, so I said, "Let's do the party this week!"

Tomorrow morning I will be given the "Go" on what night this week or this weekend an emergency graduation celebration will take place.

While Kirsten is getting Hospice in place, I will be planning a graduation celebration.