Thursday, September 1, 2011

Laundry List

I am getting my fire back.

I am making my laundry list of the things I want to do, the fun I want to have and embracing the world of unlimited options, again.

It is a pattern in my life when relationship ends.  I allow myself time to be true to my heart and heal a bit. Not to run around with my hair on fire, meeting to new people that I am not emotionally ready for.  That is another whole mess breaking another’s heart.

Handle one emotion at a time then jump back into life with both feet!

That is exactly where I am at now. 

Life is full of unlimited options.

Today, I am going to join a gym. Social outlet.  Mental therapy.  I need it.  A no kid zone!

Driving into work today I had a phone conversation with one of my morning commute girlfriends, often the best time of day to talk without interruptions. She is going to Put-in-Bay this Labor Day weekend.  I love Put-in-Bay … the little Key West of the north!

A must add to my laundry list of fun.

I am lucky to have handful of girlfriends that are single right now, it makes being single even better.

Autumn is coming.  Football games. Zip lining. End of summer concerts. Motorcycles.  Live music. Wineries I haven’t been to.  Art shows.  Basketball season. The list goes on …

I am a resilient being.

A strength of being an eternal optimist.

Today I warmly embrace my clean slate, new laundry list in life.

The single laundry list.