Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love In Her Tears

Last night one of my dearest friends called me and told me she had to share something then she began to cry.

Her tears were love. Her tears were frustration for me. Her tears were the tears of true friendship in a message she did not want to deliver.

Disappointment I can handle.  Love and warmth in the pure tears of a friend holds a special healing balm.

Not knowing what I was about to hear, calm came over me and I asked her to please not cry, regardless I will be fine.

In life we have many disappointments and heartbreaks.

Disappointments and heartbreaks are the result of something good that doesn’t end well. It is the good in the disappointment that I cherish.

Take away my capacity of pain
 and you rob me of the possibility of joy.

There is a purpose for everything that happens.  It is the purpose that fills me with wonder.

Today I read:

If you are living and breathing, your purpose has not yet been fulfilled. No matter what you have done or what has been done to you, God does have a plan for your life.