Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rebound Nasal Congestion

My biggest vice next to coffee is nasal spray.

I confess I use it twice a day times times 10 years. The pros to this vice is 100% breathing capacity and zero sinus infections in 10 years. The cons, I didn't know until the other day.

It is an expensive habit and I used to spend about $10 per month on it until I found an off brand that Walgreen's carries for $5, twice the volume, no scent. Imagine that happy day!

For years in the back of my mind I knew "they" said you shouldn't use it every day or you can become addicted.

Who is "they?"

What are the consequences of my addition?

Recently it started with nose bleeds from this new cost-savings find, but is it the product or winters dry heat? A fair question.

Ten years later ...

... addicted.

I found myself in Walgreen's the other day, when I thought I better suck it up and ask the professional, the best pharmacist ever. Confessing what I use and how long I've used it, "My name is Dawn and I am a nasal spray addict ..." I asked what consequences am I looking at.

Braced for worst-case scenario. "You know its addictive," he asks/stated. He enters his database of all things pharmaceutical reading necessary information assuring me whatever it is, it will be in this database.

He asks if I've tried to get off of it and I share I've been off it for one week, but I've been using other lesser potent products because I am slammed shut.

Time ticks slowly when waiting for consequences or a diagnosis. This is the only self-induced infliction I've intentionally brought on myself and I knew the day would come when I have to either come to the consequence or make a decision to quick using the product.

"It seems the only long-term consequence to using nasal spray is rebound nasal congestion. Nasal congestion will be worse for a few days after extended use.

"That's it?" happily dancing [in my mind] I asked.

Did the heavens open and are angels singing?

Relief after ten years of worry and wonder and I happily replied with the happiest smile, "I can live with that and YOU have a lifetime customer!"

Oh happy day!